.. Ross Patterson's Blog imported post, created by `$ ./bin/rfc822-to-post` on Mar 15, 2021. .. meta:: :description: I'm finally relocating myself to the city! .. post:: Apr 03, 2011 :author: Ross Patterson :redirect: @@redirect-to-uuid/f19ad734-74ad-4364-8495-bd830464081f ####################### Moving to San Francisco ####################### I'm finally relocating myself to the city! I've been wanting to move up to the city for some time now and I'm finally freed up sufficiently to do it. I'm excited to be doing this, finally. If you know of any good leases, rentals, sublets, house-sitting, pet-sitting, or any other good housing options, temporary or permanent, let me know. I have no particular urgency to lay down roots right away, especially considering travel plans this summer. I've taken advantage of the transition to do some massive purging of stuff and I'm down to one small storage unit. I'm also serving as an advance scout for my partner, Disa, who still has some things to wrap up in Santa Cruz over the summer. Finally, while I'm as familiar with the city as a non-resident can get and I'm pretty sure I want to live in SOMA, Potrero, Dogpatch, Mission or Dolores Park, I'd love to spend some time moving around the city for a while to figure things out. As such, I'm more interested in more temporary housing options: sublets, house-sitting, pet-sitting. I also prefer private places (studios, apartments) unless I'm already good friends with housemates. That said, I'll definitely jump on anything that's would be a great permanent place for me and Disa in the long run. So let me know if you've got anything! .. update:: Apr 14, 2011 Imported from Plone on Mar 15, 2021. The date for this update is the last modified date in Plone.