.. _about: .. meta:: :description: The blog of Ross Patterson, a Python full-stack software developer with 20+ years experience. :keywords: Python, ABlog, Sphinx, reStructuredText, Plone, Zope ############### About this Site ############### The blog of Ross Patterson, a full-stack, Python software developer with 20+ years experience. :Name: Ross Patterson :Resume: `LinkedIn `_ :Resume: `Careers 2.0 `_ :GitHub: `rpatterson `_ :Email: `me@rpatterson.net `_ :Phone: `+1 (415) 894-5323 `_ :Matrix: `@rpatterson:matrix.org `_ :Mastodon: |@rpatterson@mastodon.online| :IRC: `zenwryly@irc.freenode.net `_ This site is currently generated as a static site using `ABlog`_ and `Sphinx`_, themed by `alabaster-solarised`_ with `some contributions`_, and hosted on `GitLab Pages`_ using `a DNS subdomain`_. See `the post about migrating to ABlog`_ for more details and history. .. _`ABlog`: https://ablog.readthedocs.io/ .. _`Sphinx`: https://www.sphinx-doc.org/en/master/ .. _`alabaster-solarised`: https://git.sr.ht/~sporiff/alabaster-solarised .. _`some contributions`: https://git.sr.ht/~rpatterson/alabaster-solarised/commit/3ea216cecf5756ca631935ba2d3a33d176806d4d .. _`GitLab Pages`: https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/user/project/pages/ .. _`a DNS subdomain`: https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/user/project/pages/custom_domains_ssl_tls_certification/#set-up-pages-with-a-custom-domain .. _`the post about migrating to ABlog`: ../blog/migrating-from-plone-to-ablog/ .. |@rpatterson@mastodon.online| raw:: html @rpatterson@mastodon.online